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Set : Rivals of Ixalan
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Jade Bearer
Rivals of Ixalan
Alex Konstad
779 x 569
Famished Paladin
Rivals of Ixalan
Tommy Arnold
3334 x 2449
Luminous Bonds
Rivals of Ixalan
Steve Argyle
1200 x 881
Curious Obsession
Rivals of Ixalan
Daniel Ljunggren
2560 x 1600
Rivals of Ixalan
Mark Behm
512 x 374
Silvergill Adept
Rivals of Ixalan
Magali Villeneuve
1200 x 881
Rivals of Ixalan
Jason Rainville
1200 x 862
Evolving Wilds
Rivals of Ixalan
Jonas De Ro
626 x 457
Sworn Guardian
Rivals of Ixalan
Sara Winters
1200 x 882
Everdawn Champion
Rivals of Ixalan
Sara Winters
1200 x 882
Champion of Dusk
Rivals of Ixalan
Josh Hass
1200 x 882
Golden Demise
Rivals of Ixalan
Deruchenko Alexander
512 x 374
Fanatical Firebrand
Rivals of Ixalan
Wayne Reynolds
1200 x 900
Overgrown Armasaur
Rivals of Ixalan
Joseph Meehan
1500 x 1060
Orazca Raptor
Rivals of Ixalan
Jakub Kasper
1200 x 882
Rivals of Ixalan
Josh Hass
1200 x 882
Forerunner of the Legion
Rivals of Ixalan
Josh Hass
1200 x 881
Rivals of Ixalan
Johann Bodin
1276 x 937
World Shaper
Rivals of Ixalan
Raymond Swanland
1200 x 882
Etali, Primal Storm
Rivals of Ixalan
Raymond Swanland
1200 x 882
Crafty Cutpurse
Rivals of Ixalan
Grzegorz Rutkowski
1200 x 881
Rivals of Ixalan
Alex Konstad
2500 x 1836
Release to the Wind
Rivals of Ixalan
Joseph Meehan
1500 x 1060
Squire's Devotion
Rivals of Ixalan
Winona Nelson
512 x 374
Temple Altisaur
Rivals of Ixalan
512 x 374
Traveler's Amulet
Rivals of Ixalan
Yeong Hao Han
512 x 374
Vraska's Conquistador
Rivals of Ixalan
Sidharth Chaturvedi
1500 x 1103
Rivals of Ixalan
Simon Dominic
1200 x 900
Tilonalli's Summoner
Rivals of Ixalan
Lius Lasahido
1634 x 1200
Stampeding Horncrest
Rivals of Ixalan
Jonathan Kuo
1057 x 776
Dire Fleet Neckbreaker
Rivals of Ixalan
1634 x 1200
Secrets of the Golden City
Rivals of Ixalan
Jason Felix
1200 x 881
Thunderherd Migration
Rivals of Ixalan
Lars Grant-West
512 x 374
Angrath, the Flame-Chained
Rivals of Ixalan
Raymond Swanland
904 x 1200
Gruesome Fate
Rivals of Ixalan
Even Amundsen
1920 x 1410
Pitiless Plunderer
Rivals of Ixalan
David Palumbo
1000 x 750
Angrath, Minotaur Pirate
Rivals of Ixalan
Chris Rahn
1400 x 1923
Cherished Hatchling
Rivals of Ixalan
Sam Rowan
2500 x 1830
Resplendent Griffin
Rivals of Ixalan
Sam Rowan
2500 x 1836
Curious Obsession
Rivals of Ixalan
Daniel Ljunggren
596 x 446
Charging Tuskodon
Rivals of Ixalan
512 x 374
Rivals of Ixalan
Dimitar Marinski
1000 x 735
Rivals of Ixalan
Dimitar Marinski
1000 x 735
Thrashing Brontodon
Rivals of Ixalan
Jakub Kasper
1200 x 882
Kitesail Corsair
Rivals of Ixalan
Greg Opalinski
512 x 374
Buccaneer's Bravado
Rivals of Ixalan
Bram Sels
1920 x 1412
Riverwise Augur
Rivals of Ixalan
Alayna Danner
1920 x 1410
Silent Gravestone
Rivals of Ixalan
Suzanne Helmigh
1600 x 1175
Radiant Destiny
Rivals of Ixalan
Emrah Elmasli
512 x 374
Strider Harness
Rivals of Ixalan
Kev Walker
1047 x 761
Grasping Scoundrel
Rivals of Ixalan
Steve Prescott
512 x 374
Strength of the Pack
Rivals of Ixalan
Tomasz Jedruszek
1012 x 710
Strength of the Pack
Rivals of Ixalan
Tomasz Jedruszek
780 x 477
Enter the Unknown
Rivals of Ixalan
Howard Lyon
512 x 374
Gleaming Barrier
Rivals of Ixalan
Jason Felix
512 x 374
Siegehorn Ceratops
Rivals of Ixalan
Filip Burburan
1200 x 900
Relentless Raptor
Rivals of Ixalan
Matt Stewart
1440 x 1114
Deadeye Rig-Hauler
Rivals of Ixalan
Victor Adame Minguez
1920 x 1409
Ravenous Chupacabra
Rivals of Ixalan
1634 x 1200
Giltgrove Stalker
Rivals of Ixalan
Chris Seaman
1000 x 701
198 illustrations
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Set : Rivals of Ixalan
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