1. Game Concepts 100. General 101. The Magic Golden Rules 102. Players 103. Starting the Game 104. Ending the Game 105. Colors 106. Mana 107. Numbers and Symbols 108. Cards 109. Objects 110. Permanents 111. Tokens 112. Spells 113. Abilities 114. Emblems 115. Targets 116. Special Actions 117. Timing and Priority 118. Costs 119. Life 120. Damage 121. Drawing a Card 122. Counters 2. Parts of a Card 200. General 201. Name 202. Mana Cost and Color 203. Illustration 204. Color Indicator 205. Type Line 206. Expansion Symbol 207. Text Box 208. Power/Toughness 209. Loyalty 210. Hand Modifier 211. Life Modifier 212. Information Below the Text Box 3. Card Types 300. General 301. Artifacts 302. Creatures 303. Enchantments 304. Instants 305. Lands 306. Planeswalkers 307. Sorceries 308. Tribals 309. Planes 310. Phenomena 311. Vanguards 312. Schemes 313. Conspiracies 4. Zones 400. General 401. Library 402. Hand 403. Battlefield 404. Graveyard 405. Stack 406. Exile 407. Ante 408. Command 5. Turn Structure 500. General 501. Beginning Phase 502. Untap Step 503. Upkeep Step 504. Draw Step 505. Main Phase 506. Combat Phase 507. Beginning of Combat Step 508. Declare Attackers Step 509. Declare Blockers Step 510. Combat Damage Step 511. End of Combat Step 512. Ending Phase 513. End Step 514. Cleanup Step 6. Spells, Abilities, and Effects 600. General 601. Casting Spells 602. Activating Activated Abilities 603. Handling Triggered Abilities 604. Handling Static Abilities 605. Mana Abilities 606. Loyalty Abilities 607. Linked Abilities 608. Resolving Spells and Abilities 609. Effects 610. One-Shot Effects 611. Continuous Effects 612. Text-Changing Effects 613. Interaction of Continuous Effects 614. Replacement Effects 615. Prevention Effects 616. Interaction of Replacement and/or Prevention Effects 7. Additional Rules 700. General 701. Keyword Actions 702. Keyword Abilities 703. Turn-Based Actions 704. State-Based Actions 705. Flipping a Coin 706. Copying Objects 707. Face-Down Spells and Permanents 708. Split Cards 709. Flip Cards 710. Leveler Cards 711. Double-Faced Cards 712. Meld Cards 713. Checklist Cards 714. Saga Cards 715. Adventurer Cards 716. Controlling Another Player 717. Ending Turns and Phases 718. The Monarch 719. Restarting the Game 720. Subgames 721. Merging with Permanents 722. Taking Shortcuts 723. Handling Illegal Actions 8. Multiplayer Rules 800. General 801. Limited Range of Influence Option 802. Attack Multiple Players Option 803. Attack Left and Attack Right Options 804. Deploy Creatures Option 805. Shared Team Turns Option 806. Free-for-All Variant 807. Grand Melee Variant 808. Team vs. Team Variant 809. Emperor Variant 810. Two-Headed Giant Variant 811. Alternating Teams Variant 9. Casual Variants 900. General 901. Planechase 902. Vanguard 903. Commander 904. Archenemy 905. Conspiracy Draft |
Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules These rules are effective as of July 3, 2020. Introduction This document is the ultimate authority for Magic: The Gathering® competitive game play. It consists of a series of numbered rules followed by a glossary. Many of the numbered rules are divided into subrules, and each separate rule and subrule of the game has its own number. (Note that subrules skip the letters "l" and "o" due to potential confusion with the numbers "1" and "0"; subrule 704.5k is followed by 704.5m, then 704.5n, then 704.5p, for example.) Changes may have been made to this document since its publication. You can download the most recent version from the Magic rules website at Magic.Wizards.com/Rules. If you have questions, you can get the answers from us at Support.Wizards.com. Credits Magic: The Gathering Original Game Design: Richard Garfield Comprehensive Rules Design and Development: Paul Barclay, Mark L. Gottlieb, Beth Moursund, Bill Rose, and Matt Tabak, with contributions from Charlie Cátinò, John Carter, Elaine Chase, Laurie Cheers, Stephen D'Angelo, Dave DeLaney, Brady Dommermuth, Mike Donais, Skaff Elias, Mike Elliott, Richard Garfield, Dan Gray, Robert Gutschera, Collin Jackson, William Jockusch, Jeff Jordan, Yonemura Kaoru, Russell Linnemann, Jim Lin, Steve Lord, Sheldon Menery, Michael Phoenix, Mark Rosewater, David Sachs, Lee Sharpe, Eli Shiffrin, Henry Stern, Donald X. Vaccarino, Thijs van Ommen, Ingo Warnke, Tom Wylie, and Bryan Zembruski Editing: Del Laugel (lead), Gregg Luben, Nat Moes, Matt Tabak, and Hans Ziegler Magic Rules Management: Eli Shiffrin The Magic: The Gathering game was designed by Richard Garfield, with contributions from Charlie Cátinò, Skaff Elias, Don Felice, Tom Fontaine, Jim Lin, Joel Mick, Chris Page, Dave Pettey, Barry "Bit" Reich, Bill Rose, and Elliott Segal. The mana symbols were designed by Christopher Rush. Thanks to all our project team members and the many others too numerous to mention who have contributed to this product. These rules are effective as of July 3, 2020. Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic, Oracle, Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Homelands, Exodus, Odyssey, Mirrodin, Kamigawa, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Time Spiral, Future Sight, Lorwyn, Shadowmoor, Zendikar, Scars of Mirrodin, Innistrad, Return to Ravnica, Khans of Tarkir, Magic Origins, Shadows over Innistrad, Eldritch Moon, Magic: The Gathering—Conspiracy, Conspiracy: Take the Crown, Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Unglued, Unstable, Dominaria, Ikoria, and Planeswalker Decks are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. Unhinged is a trademark of Horn Abbot Ltd. and is used with permission. ©2020 Wizards. U.S. Pat. No. RE 37,957. |