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Franz Vohwinkel
Cards list
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First prints only
Fishing Pole - Art 1
Fishing Pole - Art 2
Expedition Map
Fishing Pole
Infernal Vessel
Collected Company
Snow-Covered Island
Sword of the Meek
Symbiotic Beast
Temporal Manipulation
Woodland Changeling
Glacial Fortress
Expedition Map
Myr Battlesphere
Seer's Sundial
The Creation of Avacyn
Wrath of the Skies 1
Wrath of the Skies 3
Seal of the Guildpact 1
Seal of the Guildpact 2
Seal of the Guildpact 3
Manaweft Sliver - Art 1
Manaweft Sliver - Art 2
Evacuation 1
Evacuation 2
Heart-Piercer Bow
Manaweft Sliver
Vial of Dragonfire
Myr Battlesphere
Rise and Shine
Apothecary Geist
Buried Ruin
Myr Battlesphere
Darigaaz's Caldera
Dromar's Cavern
Fire / Ice
Ornithopter 1
Ornithopter 2
Kazandu Refuge
Nihil Spellbomb
Apothecary Geist
Expedition Map
Heart-Piercer Bow
Vial of Dragonfire
Ornithopter 1
Ornithopter 2
Ornithopter 3
Sword of the Meek 1
Sword of the Meek 2
Sword of the Meek 3
Buried Ruin
Myr Battlesphere
Nihil Spellbomb
Conqueror's Flail 1
Conqueror's Flail 2
Traveler's Amulet
Multiclass Baldric
Saddle of the Cavalier
Esper Panorama
Overgrown Battlement
Rise and Shine
Sylvan Anthem
Esper Panorama
Rise and Shine - Art 1
Rise and Shine - Art 2
Inevitable Betrayal 1
Inevitable Betrayal 2
Inevitable Betrayal 3
Rise and Shine 1
Rise and Shine 2
Sylvan Anthem 1
Sylvan Anthem 2
Dispeller's Capsule
Myr Battlesphere
Phyrexia's Core
Virulent Sliver
Armillary Sphere
Dispeller's Capsule
Loreseeker's Stone
Seer's Sundial
Blood Moon
Buried Ruin
Dromar's Cavern
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Expedition Map
Jötun Grunt
Magus of the Moon
Nihil Spellbomb
Pledge of Loyalty
Shard of Broken Glass
Temporal Manipulation
Time of Ice
Virulent Sliver
Seer's Sundial
Blood Moon 1
Buried Ruin
Chrome Mox 2
Expedition Map 1
Glassdust Hulk
Heat Shimmer
Myr Battlesphere
Sword of the Meek
Sword of War and Peace 2
Time Sieve
Tuktuk the Returned
Buried Ruin
Overgrown Battlement
Homeward Path
Virulent Sliver
Armillary Sphere
Copper Carapace
Diabolic Edict
Kazandu Refuge
Overgrown Battlement
Pitfall Trap
Temporal Mastery
Time Sieve
Armillary Sphere
Kazandu Refuge
Heart-Piercer Bow
Vial of Dragonfire
Diabolic Edict
Temporal Manipulation
Temporal Manipulation
Buried Ruin
Kazandu Refuge
Myr Battlesphere
Seer's Sundial
Shapeshifter Token
Buried Ruin
Loreseeker's Stone
Myr Battlesphere
Panic Spellbomb
Phyrexia's Core
Seer's Sundial
Shapeshifter Token
Tuktuk the Returned
Time of Ice
Myr Battlesphere
Phyrexia's Core
Blood Moon
Diabolic Edict
Nihil Spellbomb
Division Table
Dual Doomsuits
Guest List
Jamming Device
Lackey Recycler
Mandatory Friendship Shackles
Neural Network
Pet Project
Sundering Fork
Magus of the Moon
Overgrown Battlement
Armillary Sphere
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Nihil Spellbomb
Armillary Sphere
Loreseeker's Stone
Seer's Sundial
Blood Moon
Pitfall Trap
Temporal Mastery
Armillary Sphere
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Kazandu Refuge
Izzet Steam Maze
Mount Keralia
Buried Ruin
Conqueror's Flail
Dispeller's Capsule
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Myr Battlesphere
Apothecary Geist
Clue 6
Shard of Broken Glass
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Seal of the Guildpact
Seer's Sundial
Shapeshifter Token
Seer's Sundial
Copper Carapace
Expedition Map
Glassdust Hulk
Oblivion Ring
Collected Company
Vial of Dragonfire
Buried Ruin
Loreseeker's Stone
Myr Battlesphere
Panic Spellbomb
Phyrexia's Core
Seer's Sundial
Tuktuk the Returned
Heart-Piercer Bow
Aggressive Mining
Profane Memento
Keldon Necropolis
Tropical Island
Bite of the Black Rose
Armillary Sphere
Esper Panorama
Kazandu Refuge
Myr Battlesphere
Nihil Spellbomb
Seer's Sundial
Traveler's Amulet
Kazandu Refuge
Artificer's Hex
Vial of Poison
Blood Moon
Dispeller's Capsule
Sphinx-Bone Wand
Glacial Fortress
Oblivion Ring
Armillary Sphere
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
Kazandu Refuge
Mount Keralia
Temporal Mastery
Armillary Sphere
Oblivion Ring
Kazandu Refuge
Morgue Toad
Buried Ruin
Glacial Fortress
Oblivion Ring
Armillary Sphere
Fire / Ice
Jötun Grunt
Kazandu Refuge
Oblivion Ring
Scattering Stroke
Phyrexia's Core
Armillary Sphere
Copper Carapace
Flight Spellbomb
Horizon Spellbomb
Myr Battlesphere
Nihil Spellbomb
Origin Spellbomb
Panic Spellbomb
Glacial Fortress
Voltaic Key
Warlord's Axe
Kazandu Refuge
Oblivion Ring
Embrace My Diabolical Vision
Overgrown Battlement
Sphinx-Bone Wand
Tuktuk the Returned
Voltaic Key
Razor Boomerang
Seer's Sundial
Virulent Sliver
Expedition Map
Kazandu Refuge
Khalni Gem
Pitfall Trap
Runeflare Trap
Battlegate Mimic
Oblivion Ring
Sludge Strider
Izzet Steam Maze
Glacial Fortress
Glassdust Hulk
Time Sieve
Armillary Sphere
Scepter of Fugue
Sludge Strider
Dispeller's Capsule
Esper Panorama
Oblivion Ring
Battlegate Mimic
Nightsky Mimic
Riverfall Mimic
Shorecrasher Mimic
Woodlurker Mimic
Dire Undercurrents
Helm of the Ghastlord
Puncture Bolt
Resplendent Mentor
Revelsong Horn
Coordinated Barrage
Shard Volley
Broken Ambitions
Heat Shimmer
Scattering Stroke
Shapeshifter Token
Twinning Glass
Woodland Changeling
Chronomantic Escape
Magus of the Moon
Sword of the Meek
Virulent Sliver
Darigaaz's Caldera
Jötun Grunt
Snow-Covered Island
Blood Moon
Akki Underling
Moonwing Moth
Soratami Cloud Chariot
Goblin Mime
Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug
Mirror Golem
Blood Moon
Mistform Wall
Serpentine Basilisk
Shade's Breath
Symbiotic Beast
Molten Influence
Mountain 2
Thermal Blast
Ceta Sanctuary
Fire / Ice
Darigaaz's Caldera
Dromar's Cavern
Keldon Twilight
Morgue Toad
Keldon Necropolis
Pledge of Loyalty
Goblin Vandal
Goblin Vandal
Cathedral of War
Temporal Manipulation
Inevitable Betrayal
Rise and Shine
Sylvan Anthem
Wrath of the Skies
Contagion Clasp
Fire / Ice
Krosan Grip
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