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Magic: The Gathering — Trivia
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Gaea's Anthem is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Glorious Anthem.
Frozen Aether is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Kismet.
Fa'adiyah Seer is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Sindbad.
Essence Warden is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Soul Warden. These two cards also have similar art.
Dunerider Outlaw is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Whirling Dervish.
Calciderm is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Blastoderm.
Brute Force is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Giant Growth.
Bog Serpent is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Sea Serpent.
The armor of Ana Battlemage is similar to that of Anavolver.
Molten Firebird est la version chaos-shiftée de Ivory Gargoyle. These two cards also have similar art.
Telepathy, Stern Proctor, Ovinize and Disruptive Student 's flavor texts all refer to Teferi as a student.
The name, text, and art on Serra's Boon are references to Phyrexian Boon.
The names Ridged Kusite and Guided Strike are anagrams.
Revered Dead is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Drudge Skeletons. The flavor texts of the two cards are also similar.
Blood Knight is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Black Knight.
Keen Sense is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Curiosity.
Porphyry Nodes is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Drop of Honey. The names are also almost anagrams.
Seal of Primordium is the Planar Chaos color-shifted version of Seal of Cleansing.
Seal of Primordium's art show someone breaking a seal similar to Seal of Cleansing to destroy a Gauntlet of Power.
The text and art (the jellyfish) on Stingscourger are references to Man-o'-War.
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