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Magic: The Gathering — Trivia
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Legion Loyalist and Legion Warboss show the same goblin rising in rank.
Stronghold Machinist et Stronghold Biologist (Nemesis), illustrated by Terese Nielsen, line up to form a mural.
Grim Lavamancer and Obstinate Familiar both depict the same wizard and the same lizard on his shoulder.
The bird on Artificer's Assistant's art is also in the background of Frantic Search.
Mountain and Forest (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Steve Prescott, line up to form a mural.
Swamp and Forest (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Chippy, line up to form a mural.
Swamp and Mountain (Shadowmoor), illustrated by rk post, line up to form a mural.
Forest and Island (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Rob Alexander, line up to form a mural.
Mountain and Island (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Brandon Kitkouski, line up to form a mural.
Island and Swamp (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Warren Mahy, line up to form a mural.
Forest and Plains (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Larry MacDougall, line up to form a mural.
Mountain and Plains (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Dave Kendall, line up to form a mural.
Plains and Swamp (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Lars Grant-West, line up to form a mural.
Plains and Island (Shadowmoor), illustrated by Omar Rayyan, line up to form a mural.
Word of Command's art looks like a zoom on Howling Mine' art.
Nim Lasher, Nim Shrieker, Nim Devourer and Nim Shambler (Mirrodin), illustrated by Adam Rex, line up to form a mural.
Mountain, Plains, Swamp, Island and Forest (War of the Spark), illustrated by Richard Wright, line up to form a mural.
Forests #246, #247, #248 and #249 (Scars of Mirrodin), along with #154 and #155, (Mirrodin Besieged), illustrated by Mark Tedin, line up to form a mural.
Mountains #152 and #153 (Mirrodin Besieged), along with #242, #243, #244 and #245 (Scars of Mirrodin), illustrated by Tomasz Jedruszek, line up to form a mural.
Swamps #238, #239, #240 and #241 (Scars of Mirrodin), along with #150 and #151 (Mirrodin Besieged), illustrated by Lars Grant-West, line up to form a mural.
Islands #234, #235, #236 and #237 (Scars of Mirrodin), along with #148 and #149 (Mirrodin Besieged), illustrated by Jung Park, line up to form a mural.
Plains #230, #231, #232 and #233 (Scars of Mirrodin), along with #146 and #147 (Mirrodin Besieged), illustrated by James Paick, line up to form a mural.
Raid Bombardment and Unified Will (Rise of the Eldrazi), illustrated by Matt Cavotta, line up to form a mural.
Mind's Desire was banned in Legacy and Vintage only six days after its release (the fastest ban in the history of Magic).
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