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Cotton Djinn, Hydro Djinn, Slow Djinn, Rummy Djinn and Slim Djinn from Unglued 2 : The Obligatory Sequel (never printed), illustrated by Edward P. Beard, Jr., form a cycle named "Punny Djinns" and were inspired by the Djinns of the Invasion Block.

Cotton Djinn is a reference to Ruham Djinn and a pun with Cotton Gin.
Hydro Djinn is a reference to Zanam Djinn and a pun with Hydrogen.
Slow Djinn is a reference to Goham Djinn and a pun with Sloe Gin.
Rummy Djinn is a reference to Halam Djinn and a pun with Gin Rummy.
Slim Djinn is a reference to Sulam Djinn and a pun with Slim Jim.

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