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Release Date : June 14, 2024
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w/ new art
Bordeless (8)
Extended-Art Frame (46)
1 Disa the Restless 1 Legendary Creature — Human Scout 5/6 Jana Schirmer
2 Omo, Queen of Vesuva 1 Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter Noble 1/5 Alex Brock
3 Satya, Aetherflux Genius 1 Legendary Creature — Human Artificer 3/5 Aaron Miller
4 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity 1 Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/5 Alex Konstad
5 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge 1 Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/2 Alexander Mokhov
6 Cayth, Famed Mechanist 1 Legendary Creature — Dwarf Artificer 3/3 Eric Wilkerson
7 Coram, the Undertaker 1 Legendary Creature — Human Warrior 0/5 Kai Carpenter
8 Jyoti, Moag Ancient 1 Legendary Creature — Elemental 2/4 Brent Hollowell
9 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/2 Cosmin Podar
10 Cayth, Famed Mechanist 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Artificer 3/3 Boell Oyino
11 Coram, the Undertaker 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Human Warrior 0/5 Zara H
12 Disa the Restless 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Human Scout 5/6 Boell Oyino
13 Jyoti, Moag Ancient 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Elemental 2/4 Alex Stone
14 Omo, Queen of Vesuva 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter Noble 1/5 Chun Lo
15 Satya, Aetherflux Genius 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Human Artificer 3/5 Cosmin Podar
16 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity 2
Borderless Profile
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/5 Cosmin Podar
17 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/2 Alexander Mokhov
18 Cayth, Famed Mechanist 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Artificer 3/3 Eric Wilkerson
19 Coram, the Undertaker 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Human Warrior 0/5 Kai Carpenter
20 Disa the Restless 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Human Scout 5/6 Jana Schirmer
21 Jyoti, Moag Ancient 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Elemental 2/4 Brent Hollowell
22 Omo, Queen of Vesuva 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter Noble 1/5 Alex Brock
23 Satya, Aetherflux Genius 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Human Artificer 3/5 Aaron Miller
24 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity 3
Etched Foil
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/5 Alex Konstad
25 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi 2/2 Alexander Mokhov
26 Cayth, Famed Mechanist 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Artificer 3/3 Eric Wilkerson
27 Coram, the Undertaker 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Human Warrior 0/5 Kai Carpenter
28 Disa the Restless 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Human Scout 5/6 Jana Schirmer
29 Jyoti, Moag Ancient 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Elemental 2/4 Brent Hollowell
30 Omo, Queen of Vesuva 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter Noble 1/5 Alex Brock
31 Satya, Aetherflux Genius 4
Extended-Art Frame
Legendary Creature — Human Artificer 3/5 Aaron Miller
33 Eldritch Immunity Kindred Instant — Eldrazi Carlos Palma Cruchaga
34 Inversion Behemoth Creature — Eldrazi 2/9 Raph Lomotan
36 Spawnbed Protector Creature — Eldrazi 6/8 Maxime Minard
37 Twins of Discord Creature — Eldrazi 8/6 Lorenzo Lanfranconi
38 Ulamog's Dreadsire Creature — Eldrazi 10/10 Alexander Mokhov
39 Angelic Aberration Creature — Eldrazi Angel 4/4 Helge C. Balzer
40 Hourglass of the Lost 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Lindsey Look
41 Localized Destruction 1
Extended-Art Frame
Sorcery Olivier Bernard
42 Razorfield Ripper 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Creature — Equipment Rhino 3/3 Samuel Perin
43 Salvation Colossus 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Creature — Construct 9/9 Josι Parodi
44 Silverquill Lecturer 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Kor Wizard 3/3 Ryan Pancoast
45 Aurora Shifter 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Shapeshifter 1/3 Justyna Dura
46 Benthic Anomaly Creature — Eldrazi Serpent 7/8 Nino Is
47 Copy Land 1
Extended-Art Frame
Enchantment Hristo D. Chukov
48 March from Velis Vel 1
Extended-Art Frame
Sorcery Carlos Palma Cruchaga
49 Wonderscape Sage 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Moonfolk Wizard 1/3 Daneen Wilkerson
50 Barrowgoyf 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Igor Kieryluk
51 Bismuth Mindrender Creature — Eldrazi 4/3 Maxime Minard
52 Final Act 1
Extended-Art Frame
Sorcery Nils Hamm
53 Mutated Cultist Creature — Eldrazi Horror 1/3 Dave Kendall
54 Aether Refinery 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Daniel Ljunggren
55 Blaster Hulk 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Creature — Pirate 8/8 Lie Setiawan
56 Filigree Racer 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact — Vehicle 5/5 Gaboleps
57 Hideous Taskmaster 1 Creature — Eldrazi 7/2 Helge C. Balzer
58 Overclocked Electromancer 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Lizard Wizard 2/2 Brent Hollowell
59 Pyrogoyf 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Xabi Gaztelua
60 Sawhorn Nemesis 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Dinosaur 2/4 Monztre
61 Siege-Gang Lieutenant 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Goblin 2/2 Warren Mahy
62 Tempt with Mayhem 1
Extended-Art Frame
Instant Deruchenko Alexander
63 Chittering Dispatcher Creature — Eldrazi Drone 2/3 Jehan Choo
64 Desert Warfare 1
Extended-Art Frame
Enchantment Alexandre Honorι
65 Polygoyf 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Helge C. Balzer
66 Rampant Frogantua 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Frog 3/3 Filipe Pagliuso
67 Sage of the Maze 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Elf Wizard 1/3 Yeong Hao Han
68 Tarmogoyf Nest 1
Extended-Art Frame
Kindred Enchantment — Lhurgoyf Aura Filipe Pagliuso
69 Aggressive Biomancy 1
Extended-Art Frame
Sorcery Dominik Mayer
70 Bloodbraid Challenger 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Elf Berserker 4/3 Lie Setiawan
71 Broodmate Tyrant 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Dragon 5/5 Chris Rahn
72 Exterminator Magmarch 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Construct 5/3 Monztre
73 Gluttonous Hellkite 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Dragon 3/3 Josiah 'Jo' Cameron
74 Infested Thrinax 1
Extended-Art Frame
Creature — Lizard 4/4 David Astruga
75 Sphinx of the Revelation 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Creature — Sphinx 4/5 Maxime Minard
76 Conversion Apparatus 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Alayna Danner
77 Stone Idol Generator 1
Extended-Art Frame
Artifact Julian Kok Joon Wen
78 Horizon of Progress 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land Julian Kok Joon Wen
79 Lazotep Quarry 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land — Desert Sam Burley
80 Planar Nexus 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land Sam Burley
81 Sunken Palace 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land — Cave Julian Kok Joon Wen
82 Talon Gates of Madara 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land — Gate Steven Belledin
83 Trenchpost 1
Extended-Art Frame
Land — Locus Carlos Palma Cruchaga
94 Razorfield Ripper 2 Artifact Creature — Equipment Rhino 3/3 Samuel Perin
95 Salvation Colossus 2 Artifact Creature — Construct 9/9 Josι Parodi
96 Silverquill Lecturer 2 Creature — Kor Wizard 3/3 Ryan Pancoast
97 Aurora Shifter 2 Creature — Shapeshifter 1/3 Justyna Dura
99 Copy Land 2 Enchantment Hristo D. Chukov
101 Wonderscape Sage 2 Creature — Moonfolk Wizard 1/3 Daneen Wilkerson
102 Barrowgoyf 2 Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Igor Kieryluk
104 Final Act 2 Sorcery Nils Hamm
107 Blaster Hulk 2 Artifact Creature — Pirate 8/8 Lie Setiawan
108 Filigree Racer 2 Artifact — Vehicle 5/5 Gaboleps
109 Hideous Taskmaster 2 Creature — Eldrazi 7/2 Helge C. Balzer
110 Overclocked Electromancer 2 Creature — Lizard Wizard 2/2 Brent Hollowell
111 Pyrogoyf 2 Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Xabi Gaztelua
112 Sawhorn Nemesis 2 Creature — Dinosaur 2/4 Monztre
113 Siege-Gang Lieutenant 2 Creature — Goblin 2/2 Warren Mahy
116 Desert Warfare 2 Enchantment Alexandre Honorι
117 Polygoyf 2 Creature — Lhurgoyf */1+* Helge C. Balzer
118 Rampant Frogantua 2 Creature — Frog 3/3 Filipe Pagliuso
119 Sage of the Maze 2 Creature — Elf Wizard 1/3 Yeong Hao Han
120 Tarmogoyf Nest 2 Kindred Enchantment — Lhurgoyf Aura Filipe Pagliuso
122 Bloodbraid Challenger 2 Creature — Elf Berserker 4/3 Lie Setiawan
123 Broodmate Tyrant 2 Creature — Dragon 5/5 Chris Rahn
124 Exterminator Magmarch 2 Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Construct 5/3 Monztre
125 Gluttonous Hellkite 2 Creature — Dragon 3/3 Josiah 'Jo' Cameron
126 Infested Thrinax 2 Creature — Lizard 4/4 David Astruga
127 Sphinx of the Revelation 2 Artifact Creature — Sphinx 4/5 Maxime Minard
131 Lazotep Quarry 2 Land — Desert Sam Burley
133 Sunken Palace 2 Land — Cave Julian Kok Joon Wen
135 Trenchpost 2 Land — Locus Carlos Palma Cruchaga