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Release Date : August 2, 2024
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Regular cards
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w/ new art
Basic Lands
Story Spotlight
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring 1 Legendary Creature — Elemental Elk 4/5 Martin Wittfooth
3 Brave-Kin Duo Creature — Rabbit Mouse 1/1 Devin Platts
4 Brightblade Stoat Creature — Weasel Soldier 2/2 Lius Lasahido
5 Builder's Talent Enchantment — Class Ovidio Cartagena
6 Caretaker's Talent Enchantment — Class Lindsey Look
7 Carrot Cake Artifact — Food Forrest Imel
9 Dawn's Truce 1
Story Spotlight
Instant Justin Gerard
11 Driftgloom Coyote Creature — Elemental Coyote 3/4 Betty Jiang
12 Essence Channeler 1 Creature — Bat Cleric 2/1 Wylie Beckert
13 Feather of Flight Enchantment — Aura Borja Pindado
14 Flowerfoot Swordmaster Creature — Mouse Soldier 1/2 Aaron Miller
15 Harvestrite Host Creature — Rabbit Citizen 3/3 Julie Dillon
16 Hop to It 1 Sorcery Eelis Kyttanen
17 Intrepid Rabbit Creature — Rabbit Soldier 3/2 Artur Treffner
18 Jackdaw Savior 1 Creature — Bird Cleric 3/1 Alessandra Pisano
19 Jolly Gerbils Creature — Hamster Citizen 2/3 Manuel Castaρσn
20 Lifecreed Duo Creature — Bat Bird 1/2 Lorenzo Mastroianni
21 Mabel's Mettle
Story Spotlight
Instant Johan Grenier
22 Mouse Trapper Creature — Mouse Soldier 3/2 Jakub Kasper
23 Nettle Guard Creature — Mouse Soldier 3/1 Rob Rey
24 Parting Gust Instant Nils Hamm
25 Pileated Provisioner Creature — Bird Scout 3/4 Eelis Kyttanen
28 Salvation Swan 1 Creature — Bird Cleric 3/3 Christina Kraus
30 Seasoned Warrenguard Creature — Rabbit Warrior 1/2 Dave Kendall
31 Shrike Force Creature — Bird Knight 1/3 Nestor Ossandon Leal
33 Star Charter Creature — Bat Cleric 3/1 Valera Lutfullina
35 Thistledown Players Creature — Mouse Bard 3/3 John Thacker
36 Valley Questcaller 1 Creature — Rabbit Warrior 2/3 Steve Prescott
37 Warren Elder Creature — Rabbit Cleric 2/2 Kaitlyn McCulley
38 Warren Warleader 1 Creature — Rabbit Knight 4/4 Zack Stella
39 Wax-Wane Witness Creature — Bat Cleric 2/4 Mila Pesic
40 Whiskervale Forerunner 1 Creature — Mouse Bard 3/4 Ryan Pancoast
41 Azure Beastbinder 1 Creature — Rat Rogue 1/3 Adam Paquette
42 Bellowing Crier Creature — Frog Advisor 2/1 Jeff Miracola
43 Calamitous Tide
Story Spotlight
Sorcery Samuele Bandini
44 Daring Waverider Creature — Otter Wizard 4/4 Wisnu Tan
47 Dour Port-Mage 1 Creature — Frog Wizard 1/3 Ryan Pancoast
48 Eddymurk Crab Creature — Elemental Crab 5/5 PINDURSKI
49 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea 1 Legendary Creature — Elemental Fish */* Chase Stone
50 Finch Formation Creature — Bird Scout 2/2 Rhonda Libbey
51 Gossip's Talent Enchantment — Class Andrea Sipl
53 Kitnap 1 Enchantment — Aura Irina Nordsol
54 Kitsa, Otterball Elite 1 Legendary Creature — Otter Wizard 1/3 Zoltan Boros
55 Knightfisher Creature — Bird Knight 4/5 Jakob Eirich
56 Lightshell Duo Creature — Rat Otter 3/4 Mariah Tekuive
57 Long River Lurker Creature — Frog Scout 2/3 Valera Lutfullina
60 Mindwhisker Creature — Rat Wizard 3/2 Alexander Mokhov
61 Mockingbird 1 Creature — Bird Bard 1/1 Aurore Folny
62 Nightwhorl Hermit Creature — Rat Rogue 1/4 Valera Lutfullina
65 Plumecreed Escort Creature — Bird Scout 2/1 Manuel Castaρσn
66 Portent of Calamity 1
Story Spotlight
Sorcery Sam Guay
69 Shore Up Instant Raph Lomotan
70 Shoreline Looter 1 Creature — Rat Rogue 1/1 PINDURSKI
71 Skyskipper Duo Creature — Bird Frog 3/3 Mariah Tekuive
72 Spellgyre Instant Alix Branwyn
73 Splash Lasher Creature — Frog Wizard 3/3 Brian Valeza
75 Stormchaser's Talent Enchantment — Class Christina Kraus
76 Sugar Coat Enchantment — Aura Gaboleps
77 Thought Shucker Creature — Rat Rogue 1/3 Dave Kendall
78 Thundertrap Trainer 1 Creature — Otter Wizard 1/2 Matt Stewart
79 Valley Floodcaller 1 Creature — Otter Wizard 2/2 Victor Adame Minguez
80 Waterspout Warden Creature — Frog Soldier 3/2 J.P. Targete
82 Agate-Blade Assassin Creature — Lizard Assassin 1/3 Hristo D. Chukov
83 Bandit's Talent Enchantment — Class Volkan Baga
84 Bonebind Orator Creature — Squirrel Warlock Bard 2/2 Tuan Duong Chu
85 Bonecache Overseer Creature — Squirrel Warlock 1/1 Mila Pesic
88 Cruelclaw's Heist 1
Story Spotlight
Sorcery Brian Valeza
89 Daggerfang Duo Creature — Rat Squirrel 3/2 Nereida
90 Darkstar Augur 1 Creature — Bat Warlock 2/3 Aurore Folny
91 Diresight Sorcery Alix Branwyn
92 Downwind Ambusher Creature — Skunk Assassin 4/2 Aaron Miller
95 Fell 1 Sorcery A. M. Sartor
96 Glidedive Duo Creature — Bat Lizard 3/3 Manuel Castaρσn
98 Huskburster Swarm Creature — Elemental Insect 6/6 John Tedrick
99 Iridescent Vinelasher 1 Creature — Lizard Assassin 1/2 Aaron Miller
100 Maha, Its Feathers Night 1
Story Spotlight
Legendary Creature — Elemental Bird 6/5 Alessandra Pisano
101 Moonstone Harbinger Creature — Bat Warrior 1/3 Kevin Sidharta
103 Osteomancer Adept 1 Creature — Squirrel Warlock 2/2 Daniel Zrom
104 Persistent Marshstalker Creature — Rat Berserker 3/1 Greg Staples
106 Ravine Raider Creature — Lizard Rogue 1/1 Simon Dominic
107 Rottenmouth Viper 1 Creature — Elemental Snake 6/6 Andrea Piparo
109 Savor Instant Kev Walker
111 Scavenger's Talent Enchantment — Class Chris Seaman
114 Stargaze Sorcery Serena Malyon
115 Starlit Soothsayer Creature — Bat Cleric 2/2 Kaitlyn McCulley
116 Starscape Cleric Creature — Bat Cleric 2/1 Omar Rayyan
117 Thornplate Intimidator Creature — Rat Rogue 4/3 Daren Bader
118 Thought-Stalker Warlock Creature — Lizard Warlock 2/2 Daniel Ljunggren
119 Valley Rotcaller 1 Creature — Squirrel Warlock 1/3 Valera Lutfullina
120 Wick, the Whorled Mind 1 Legendary Creature — Rat Warlock 2/4 Andrea Piparo
121 Wick's Patrol Creature — Rat Warlock 5/3 Dmitry Burmak
123 Alania's Pathmaker Creature — Otter Wizard 4/2 Jason Kang
124 Artist's Talent Enchantment — Class Lars Grant-West
125 Blacksmith's Talent Enchantment — Class Vincent Christiaens
127 Brambleguard Captain Creature — Mouse Soldier 2/3 Quintin Gleim
128 Brazen Collector Creature — Raccoon Rogue 2/1 Aldo Dominguez
129 Byway Barterer 1 Creature — Raccoon Rogue 3/3 Ryan Pancoast
130 Conduct Electricity
Story Spotlight
Instant Chris Seaman
131 Coruscation Mage Creature — Otter Wizard 2/2 Gaboleps
132 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest 1
Story Spotlight
Legendary Creature — Bird Dragon 5/5 Victor Adame Minguez
133 Emberheart Challenger 1 Creature — Mouse Warrior 2/2 Chris Rahn
134 Festival of Embers 1 Enchantment Greg Staples
135 Flamecache Gecko Creature — Lizard Warlock 2/2 Brian Valeza
136 Frilled Sparkshooter Creature — Lizard Archer 3/3 Danny Schwartz
137 Harnesser of Storms Creature — Otter Wizard 1/4 Bram Sels
138 Heartfire Hero Creature — Mouse Soldier 1/1 Jakub Kasper
139 Hearthborn Battler 1 Creature — Lizard Warlock 2/3 Zoltan Boros
140 Hired Claw 1 Creature — Lizard Mercenary 1/2 Quintin Gleim
142 Kindlespark Duo Creature — Lizard Otter 1/3 Daren Bader
143 Manifold Mouse 1 Creature — Mouse Soldier 1/2 Randy Vargas
146 Quaketusk Boar Creature — Elemental Boar 5/5 Andrew Mar
147 Rabid Gnaw Instant Mark Behm
148 Raccoon Rallier Creature — Raccoon Bard 2/2 Borja Pindado
149 Reptilian Recruiter Creature — Lizard Warrior 4/2 Joshua Cairos
150 Roughshod Duo Creature — Mouse Raccoon 3/2 Michal Ivan
151 Sazacap's Brew Instant Sam Guay
153 Steampath Charger Creature — Lizard Warlock 2/1 Ilse Gort
154 Stormsplitter 1 Creature — Otter Wizard 1/4 Lius Lasahido
155 Sunspine Lynx 1 Creature — Elemental Cat 5/4 Martin Wittfooth
157 Teapot Slinger Creature — Raccoon Warrior 3/4 Wisnu Tan
158 Valley Flamecaller 1 Creature — Lizard Warlock 3/3 Justin Gerard
159 Valley Rally
Story Spotlight
Instant Sidharth Chaturvedi
160 War Squeak Enchantment — Aura Zoltan Boros
161 Whiskerquill Scribe Creature — Mouse Citizen 2/2 Matt Stewart
163 Bakersbane Duo Creature — Squirrel Raccoon 2/2 Raluca Marinescu
164 Bark-Knuckle Boxer Creature — Raccoon Berserker 3/2 Filip Burburan
165 Brambleguard Veteran Creature — Raccoon Warrior 3/4 Jakob Eirich
166 Bushy Bodyguard Creature — Squirrel Warrior 2/1 Andrea Piparo
168 Clifftop Lookout Creature — Frog Scout 1/2 John Thacker
169 Curious Forager Creature — Squirrel Druid 3/2 Mariah Tekuive
170 Druid of the Spade Creature — Rabbit Druid 2/3 Andrey Kuzinskiy
171 Fecund Greenshell 1 Creature — Elemental Turtle 4/6 Kisung Koh
173 Galewind Moose Creature — Elemental Elk 6/6 Valera Lutfullina
174 Hazardroot Herbalist Creature — Rabbit Druid 1/4 Josiah 'Jo' Cameron
175 Heaped Harvest Artifact — Food Daniel Ljunggren
176 High Stride Instant Dan Scott
177 Hivespine Wolverine Creature — Elemental Wolverine 5/4 Lars Grant-West
178 Honored Dreyleader Creature — Squirrel Warrior 1/1 Aurore Folny
179 Hunter's Talent Enchantment — Class Kisung Koh
180 Innkeeper's Talent Enchantment — Class Alix Branwyn
181 Keen-Eyed Curator 1 Creature — Raccoon Scout 3/3 PINDURSKI
183 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods 1 Legendary Creature — Elemental Bear */* Matt Stewart
184 Mistbreath Elder 1 Creature — Frog Warrior 2/2 Jason Kang
187 Pawpatch Recruit 1 Creature — Rabbit Warrior 2/1 Johan Grenier
190 Rust-Shield Rampager Creature — Raccoon Warrior 4/4 Ralph Horsley
191 Scrapshooter 1 Creature — Raccoon Archer 4/4 Chris Rahn
193 Stickytongue Sentinel Creature — Frog Warrior 3/3 Lorenzo Mastroianni
195 Sunshower Druid Creature — Frog Druid 0/2 Tuan Duong Chu
196 Tender Wildguide 1 Creature — Possum Druid 2/2 Jakob Eirich
197 Thornvault Forager 1 Creature — Squirrel Ranger 2/2 Mark Behm
198 Three Tree Rootweaver Creature — Mole Druid 1/3 Chris Seaman
199 Three Tree Scribe Creature — Frog Druid 2/3 Caio Monteiro
200 Treeguard Duo Creature — Frog Rabbit 3/4 Mila Pesic
201 Treetop Sentries Creature — Squirrel Archer 2/4 Iris Compiet
202 Valley Mightcaller 1 Creature — Frog Warrior 1/1 Matt Stewart
203 Wear Down 1 Sorcery Iris Compiet
204 Alania, Divergent Storm 1 Legendary Creature — Otter Wizard 3/5 Joshua Raphael
205 Baylen, the Haymaker 1 Legendary Creature — Rabbit Warrior 4/3 Ryan Pancoast
206 Burrowguard Mentor Creature — Rabbit Soldier */* Dmitry Burmak
207 Camellia, the Seedmiser 1 Legendary Creature — Squirrel Warlock 3/3 Steve Prescott
208 Cindering Cutthroat Creature — Lizard Assassin 3/2 Wayne Reynolds
209 Clement, the Worrywort 1 Legendary Creature — Frog Druid 3/3 Ekaterina Burmak
210 Corpseberry Cultivator Creature — Squirrel Warlock 2/3 Izzy
211 Dreamdew Entrancer 1 Creature — Frog Wizard 3/4 Zoltan Boros
212 Finneas, Ace Archer 1 Legendary Creature — Rabbit Archer 2/2 Victor Adame Minguez
213 Fireglass Mentor Creature — Lizard Warlock 2/1 Henry Peters
214 Gev, Scaled Scorch 1 Legendary Creature — Lizard Mercenary 3/2 Mark Zug
215 Glarb, Calamity's Augur 1 Legendary Creature — Frog Wizard Noble 2/4 Bram Sels
216 Head of the Homestead Creature — Rabbit Citizen 3/2 Omar Rayyan
217 Helga, Skittish Seer 1 Legendary Creature — Frog Druid 1/3 Andrea Piparo
218 Hugs, Grisly Guardian 1 Legendary Creature — Badger Warrior 5/5 Steve Prescott
219 The Infamous Cruelclaw 1 Legendary Creature — Weasel Mercenary 3/3 Christina Kraus
220 Junkblade Bruiser Creature — Raccoon Berserker 4/5 Omar Rayyan
221 Kastral, the Windcrested 1 Legendary Creature — Bird Scout 4/5 Jesper Ejsing
222 Lilysplash Mentor Creature — Frog Druid 4/4 Aldo Dominguez
224 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame 1 Legendary Creature — Mouse Soldier 3/3 Aurore Folny
225 Mind Drill Assailant Creature — Rat Warlock 2/5 Tuan Duong Chu
226 Moonrise Cleric Creature — Bat Cleric 2/3 Simon Dominic
227 Muerra, Trash Tactician 1 Legendary Creature — Raccoon Warrior 2/4 Volkan Baga
228 Plumecreed Mentor Creature — Bird Scout 2/3 Henry Peters
229 Pond Prophet Creature — Frog Advisor 1/1 Simon Dominic
230 Ral, Crackling Wit 1 Legendary Planeswalker — Ral 4 Rudy Siswanto
231 Seedglaive Mentor Creature — Mouse Soldier 3/2 Vincent Christiaens
232 Seedpod Squire Creature — Bird Scout 3/3 Christina Kraus
233 Starseer Mentor Creature — Bat Warlock 3/5 Taras Susak
234 Stormcatch Mentor 1 Creature — Otter Wizard 1/1 Manuel Castaρσn
235 Tempest Angler Creature — Otter Wizard 2/2 Raluca Marinescu
236 Tidecaller Mentor Creature — Rat Wizard 3/3 Irina Nordsol
237 Veteran Guardmouse Creature — Mouse Soldier 3/4 Campbell White
238 Vinereap Mentor Creature — Squirrel Druid 3/2 Valera Lutfullina
239 Vren, the Relentless 1 Legendary Creature — Rat Rogue 3/4 Kevin Sidharta
240 Wandertale Mentor Creature — Raccoon Bard 2/2 Jakub Kasper
241 Ygra, Eater of All 1 Legendary Creature — Elemental Cat 6/6 Chris Rahn
242 Zoraline, Cosmos Caller 1 Legendary Creature — Bat Cleric 3/3 Justin Gerard
243 Barkform Harvester Artifact Creature — Shapeshifter 2/3 Zezhou Chen
246 Heirloom Epic Artifact Fiona Hsieh
248 Short Bow Artifact — Equipment Zara Alfonso
249 Starforged Sword Artifact — Equipment Mark Poole
250 Tangle Tumbler Artifact — Vehicle 6/6 Victor Adame Minguez
251 Three Tree Mascot Artifact Creature — Shapeshifter 2/1 Gina Matarazzo
260 Three Tree City 1 Legendary Land Grady Frederick
262 Plains 1
Basic Land — Plains Carlos Palma Cruchaga
263 Plains 2
Basic Land — Plains Carlos Palma Cruchaga
264 Plains 3
Basic Land — Plains Carlos Palma Cruchaga
265 Plains 4
Basic Land — Plains Carlos Palma Cruchaga
266 Island 1
Basic Land — Island Rob Rey
267 Island 2
Basic Land — Island Rob Rey
268 Island 3
Basic Land — Island Rob Rey
269 Island 4
Basic Land — Island Rob Rey
270 Swamp 1
Basic Land — Swamp John Thacker
271 Swamp 2
Basic Land — Swamp John Thacker
272 Swamp 3
Basic Land — Swamp John Thacker
273 Swamp 4
Basic Land — Swamp John Thacker
274 Mountain 1
Basic Land — Mountain Andrew Theophilopoulos
275 Mountain 2
Basic Land — Mountain Andrew Theophilopoulos
276 Mountain 3
Basic Land — Mountain Andrew Theophilopoulos
277 Mountain 4
Basic Land — Mountain Andrew Theophilopoulos
278 Forest 1
Basic Land — Forest David Robert Hovey
279 Forest 2
Basic Land — Forest David Robert Hovey
280 Forest 3
Basic Land — Forest David Robert Hovey
281 Forest 4
Basic Land — Forest David Robert Hovey